John Maland High School


Grade 12 Core Programs


ELA 30-1 (min 60%+ in 20-1)
This course places emphasis on style analysis and critical assessment of all literary forms, as well as the analysis of thematic connections between texts. The writing emphasis builds on their knowledge of rhetoric and stylistic devices as their ability to write both creatively and critically in relation to a variety of texts and text contexts is developed. Critical analytical thinking skills and the application of literary theory to textual analysis is also a focus of the course.
ELA 30-2 (min 50%+ in 20-2 or 40%+ in 20-1)
Students study literature thematically to explore key themes all focusing on the notion that humans are connected by universally meaningful experiences. Students are expected to be able to see clear connections between themselves and the characters they read about, exploring their motivations and assessing characters’ choices and motivation. Emphasis is placed on persuasive and personal writing, in a variety of forms, and clarity of communication.


SOCIAL 30-1 (min 60% in 20-1)
Application, Evaluation, Analysis, and Synthesis of content is required and assessed.
Critical Thinking and Analytical Writing
Interpretation of Written and Visual Sources
Source Interpretation and Identification of Relationships
Position Paper
**Foundational of academic writing in Post-Secondary**
SOCIAL 30-2 (min 50%+ in 20-2 or 40%+ in 20-1)
Comprehension and Application is required and assessed.
Critical Thinking and Personal Writing
Understanding Written and Visual Sources
Content and Vocabulary Based Writing
Source Interpretation with Personal Response
Identify and Evaluate Perspective


Ready to Work/Many Trades

MATH 30-3
Develop spatial sense through direct and indirect measurement.  Develop spatial sense.  Develop number sense and critical thinking skills.  Develop algebraic reasoning.  Develop statistical reasoning.  Develop critical thinking skills related to uncertainty.

Most College and Most University

MATH 30-2
Develop logical reasoning. Develop critical thinking skills related to uncertainty. Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations.  

Medicine, Engineering and some Science Based Programs

MATH 30-1
Develop trigonometric reasoning. Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations. Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations. Develop algebraic and numeric reasoning that involves combinatorics.
emphasizes the theoretical and practical development of topics in the algebra of functions, trigonometry, differential calculus and integral calculus up to a standard acceptable for entry into all first-year programs in mathematics, science, engineering and business.


Some College & Some University Programs

SCIENCE 30 (Prerequisite: Science 20 and/or Biology 20 and/or Chemistry 20 and/or Physics 20)
Science 30 students investigate:
Living Systems respond to their Environment
Chemistry in the Environment
Electromagnetic Energy
Energy and the Environment

College, University, Medicine, Engineering & Some Science Based Programs

The focus in Biology 30 is on human physiology and anatomy. Chemical and electrical regulatory systems in organisms (Nervous and Endocrine Systems)
Role of reproduction as a mechanism of diversity and change in populations (Reproductive systems, Birth Development and Cell Division)
Genetics (Heredity, Human Genetics, DNA, Protein Synthesis)
Population Genetics (Demography, Gene Pool)Societal issues in science and technology related to these biology concepts
The focus of this course is on the diversity of energy and matter. Momentum and Impulse (how objects interact)
Electric Forces and Fields (electric charges and their interactions)
Magnetic Forces and Fields (magnetic forces and interactions with electric fields)
Electromagnetic radiation (focusing on the behavior of light)
Atomic Physics (structure of matter, radioactivity)        
Chemistry 30 will focus on:
Organic Chemistry – study of nomenclature, reactions, polymers, hydrocarbons, derivatives, distillation
Thermochemical Systems – qualitative and quantitative study of chemical energy changes
Equilibrium, Acids and Bases in Chemical Changes – study of dynamic equilibrium systems, pH titrations, buffers and acid – base reaction
Electro-chemical Systems – a study of chemical principles related to oxidation-reduction analysis and electro-chemical and electrolytic cells
Society issues in science and technology related to these chemistry concepts

For more detailed program information, please read through the course descriptions:

Grade 12 Course Planner and Frequently Asked Questions